Symposium “Toward a more graceful energy transition”

Event Date:

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Event Time:

9:00 am

Event Location:

Kasteel Groeneveld


  • Professor Steven Koonin, Undersecretary for Science at the U.S. Department of Energy during the Obama Administration, explores  the possibilities of a more graceful energy transition.
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  • Dutch Energy Specialist Theo Wolters will compare solar and wind vs nuclear energy in an electricity system with a strongly reduced fossil fuel share.
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  • With their Energiewende Germany has the most ambitious climate policy in Europe or even the world. How successful is the Energiewende so far? In his presentation, German journalist Alexander Wendt will show that some (unintended) negative consequences of the energy transition (Energiewende) are already occurring in Germany.
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Steven Koonin is in The Netherlands for the launch of the Dutch translation of his bestselling book Unsettled. It is possible for visitors to buy a signed copy of either the English or the Dutch edition (Onbeslist) of the book. This symposium is organised primarily by Stichting Milieu, Wetenschap & Beleid  in cooperation with Stichting Clintel and Those last two organisations will publish the Dutch edition of the book Unsettled during Koonin’s visit.


9.00 AMWalk-in with coffee/tea
9.30 AMTheo WoltersA low carbon electricity system requires a high nuclear energy share
10.30 AMAlexander WendtWhy the German Energiewende cannot work
11.30 AMLunch
12.45 AMSteven KooninToward more graceful energy transitions
2.00 PMEnd
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Event Location:

  • Kasteel Groeneveld
  • Groeneveld 2
  • Baarn
  • 3744 ML
  • Netherlands

Event Schedule Details

  • Thursday, September 28, 2023 9:00 am 2:00 pm
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